Die Reihenfolge der gelisteten Agenturen entspricht dem Zeitpunkt der Listung und enthält keinerlei Aussage etwa zu Renommee, Erfahrung oder Seriositätsgrad.
Berati Tours Albania steht für informiertes, verantwortliches Reisen in Albanien und den angrenzenden Nachbarregionen. Als albanischer Incoming-Reiseveranstalter sind wir Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für Studien- und Begegnungsreisen, Wandern und weitere Aktivreisen, Special Interest. Wir kennen die interessanten Orte der Reisedestination und entwickeln und organisieren für Sie Ihr spezielles Albanien-Programm, Gruppenrundfahrten ebenso wie individuelle Arrangements.
Berati Tours Albania stands for informed and responsible travel in Albania and its neighbouring regions. Specializing as an Albanian incoming tour operator we are your reliable partner for themed tours like study and culture, hiking and other forms of active travel, special interest. We know the interesting places of the travel destination Albania. We develop and successfully organize your tailor-made travel programme, group tours as well as individual arrangements.
Kontakt in Deutschland:
Martin Heusinger
Tel.: 0049-911-287 48 24
Contact in Albania:
Edmond Cobo
Tel.: 00355-69-52 32 608
Outdoor Albania
We are a specialist travel agency/tour operator, located in Tirana, Albania. We were found in 1992 by travelers who pioneered sustainable tourism (eco travel) in Albania. We love our country and we love to show our guests, who come from all over the world, the wonderful beauty, culture and traditions of this little known corner of the Mediterranean.
We hope you will join us in Albania, we look forward to being your partner as you explore our beautiful country. We guarantee you will have unforgettable experience!
Why not take a look at some of our Tours and Activities? Whether you enjoy a serene walk in the mountains or something more adventurous with activities like kayaking, rafting or skiing. In Albania there’s plenty of places to visit and we offer trips for everyone.
Outdoor Albania
Rr. Sami Frasheri, Pallati „Metropol“
Telephone: +355 (0) 42 227 121
Fax: +355 (0) 42 227 121
Elite Travel DMC – a company “From Friends for Friends”based in Albania. We offer tailor made Cultural, Historical and Adventure round tour services in Albania and in the entire Balkans.
Our staff at Elite Travel DMC is committed to address your travelling preferences and making your travel experiences special and unique in our entire region.
We provide you with unique travel experiences which match your time, budget and your special preferences.
Yours sincerely,
Elite Travel DMC
Mr.Elvis Kotherja
Lagja: Beqir Dardha,
Rruga: 11 Nentori,
P.41/3 Elbasan
Tel: +355 542 44094
Fax: +355 542 59934
Mob: +355 69 20 44654